Alternative Fee Arrangements
Published on November 13, 2024 Starting a Practice

- In addition to the legal ethics considerations listed in the table, see Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 1.04 regarding fees and Rule 5.04 regarding fee sharing.
- Other than a true nonrefundable retainer agreement, which are relatively rare, any fees paid to an attorney in any of the following fee arrangements are refundable to the extent that they have not yet been earned by the provision of legal services and must remain in an IOLTA or trust account until earned. See ethics opinion 611.
- Many of these can be combined, such as a Subscription Model with a Collared Fee or a reduced hourly fee with a contingency fee kicker, ensuring the fee remains reasonable and in compliance with all other rules and ethics opinions.
- Disclaimer: This chart does not address all issues that should be contained in the fee agreement, such as billing or how expenses will be handled. It provides only a basic overview of various alternative fee arrangements and a starting point for sample explanatory language in an agreement.
AFA Type | Pros | Cons | Sample Explanatory Language | Legal Ethics Considerations |
Fixed or Flat Fee Similarly, a Portfolio Fixed Fee can apply to a higher volume of needs (typically for larger entities) |
"Client agrees to pay a fixed fee of [amount] for [specific legal services], inclusive of all legal work related to [matter]. The fixed fee will be earned at the following benchmarks: [list benchmarks]." |
Subscription Model Legal services charged on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis in exchange for a set of services. |
"Client agrees to pay a monthly fee of [amount] for access to legal advice and services up to [limit] hours per month. Additional hours will be billed at [rate]." |
Collared Fee Legal service is provided for a specific fee, along with a percentage the lawyer must go over or under for that fee to change. |
"Client agrees to a collared fee arrangement wherein Client agrees to pay a specific fee in the amount of [amount] for [specific legal services], inclusive of all legal work related to [matter] with a [percentage] up and down collar. If the actual fee, as determined by the lawyer billing at an hourly rate of [rate], is within the collar of the specific fee amount, no additional fees are due to be paid or returned. If the actual fee is less than the specific fee by [percentage], Lawyer and Client agree to split the difference between the actual fee and down collar. If the actual fee exceeds the specific fee by [percentage], Client agrees to pay Lawyer 50% of the amount over the specific fee up collar. |
Contingency Fee A set percentage received for legal services upon a successful outcome. |
"Lawyer's fee shall be [percentage]% of the gross amount recovered, payable only if there is a recovery." |
Nonrefundable Retainer Fee A nonrefundable retainer fee is paid to ensure availability of lawyer and compensate lawyer for foregoing other employment by agreeing to be available. Not the same as a traditional retainer paid to perform legal services (hourly model, one-time, or evergreen such as on a monthly basis), which is always refundable regardless of how it is designated in the retainer agreement. |
"Client shall pay a monthly retainer of [amount] to secure [lawyer's/firm's] availability." |
Success Fee Lawyer receives a bonus payment if previously agreed upon successful result is met (e.g. percentage above result). |
"In addition to the base fee of [amount], a success fee of [percentage]% of [specified outcome] will be payable upon successful resolution of [matter]." |
Hourly Rate with a Cap A Not To Exceed (NTE) arrangement where traditional hourly billing meets an agreed-upon maximum cost, or cap. |
"Lawyer will bill at an hourly rate of [rate] with a not-to-exceed cap of [total cap amount] for [specified legal services]." |
Blended Rate Lawyer charges one average hourly billing rate for all personnel. |
"All legal services will be billed at a blended hourly rate of [rate], regardless of who performs the work." |
Staged or Phased Fee Lawyer is paid an amount for specified stages and accomplishment of scope of work. May incorporate a holdback as well, or a percentage of fees only paid upon specified outcome. |
"Services will be billed according to the following staged fee schedule: [list of tasks and fees]." |
Volume Discount The cost of legal services is discounted upon achieving a certain volume of work. |
"A discount of [percentage]% will be applied to our standard rates for clients providing more than [threshold] hours of billable work per year." |
Unbundled Legal Services or Limited Scope Representation Lawyer only provides certain services needed by client but not all tasks otherwise typical. |
"Services will be billed according to the following task-based fee schedule: [list of tasks and fees]." |
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